The company name Creatura is a neologism with the letter “T” added to “Creatura,” which represents living organisms in Latin
T expresses various meanings such as “tree,” “trust,” “technology,” “tolerance,” and “thrive.”

Creatura will contribute to the restoration of natural capital such as biodiversity and the realization of a sustainable future.

Our company name, Creatura, was coined by adding the letter "T" to the Latin word "Creatura," which stands for "creature," and the "T" stands for "Tree," "Trust," "Technology," and "Tolerance.


Creatura's Mission

To preserve and regenerate
Humanity's natural heritage
For future generations

Irreplaceable nature
To the next generation

About Creattura
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Creattura Features

Our company's deep experience and diverse talent are our key differentiators.

Deep experience in Procurement

Sales track record of over 800,000 tons*1


J-Credit supply share 32.5%*2

*1 RECs calculated as CO2 equivalent
*2 Creattura's trading volume vs total J-credit volume in 2022
*3 Excluding forests, solar energy, and agriculture

Credit Creation Know-how

JCM development experience in 6 countries*3

Application experience
with diverse j-credit methodologies

Experience in proposing
new J-credit and JCM methodologies

*3 Includes track record of employees
*4 Includes employees' experience and in-house development. EN-S-002, EN-S-012, EN-R-001, EN-R-002, AG-004, AG-005, FO-001

Global Network

We employ a diverse and international team

Partners in 9+ countries throughout the world

※As of January '24

Our Services

Business Overview

Services related to corporate decarbonization, in particular

Service 01

Carbon Credits and Renewable Energy Certificates

  • We specialize in the procurement of carbon credits and renewable energy certificates, both developed in-house and sourced from domestic and international providers. Our services include acquiring, managing, and supplying these credits and certificates to companies aiming to achieve their sustainability objectives.

  • With a diverse portfolio and a transaction volume surpassing 800,000 tons over the past two years, we are a leading provider in Japan.
Service 02

Carbon Credit Development

  • We support the development of domestic and international carbon credits.
  • Domestically, we have developed, credits equivalent to 80,000 tons of CO2.
  • Our international efforts have begun with projects in the Philippines, with plans to expand into additional regions in the future.
Service 03

Consulting Services

  • We offer specialized consulting and research focused on carbon credits and carbon offsets.
  • Leveraging our global network, we conduct comprehensive studies on the introduction of renewable energy across various countries. Our services include advising major manufacturing companies on transitioning to renewable energy and providing expert guidance on implementing large-scale renewable energy solutions, such as Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs).
Service 04

Technology Services

  • Creattura's Lynx platform provides digital MRV for rice AWD projects utilizing satellite remote sensing. Our unique solution enables traceability for both rice and carbon credits back to the individual farmer's fields, providing a solution for Scope 3 emissions reduction from rice also known as insetting.
  • We will brush up on internal projects and look into future external sales.
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